Divine Pursuit: Aligning Ourselves with God’s Will

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God Chaser

Divine Pursuit: Aligning Ourselves with God’s Will – A Comprehensive Exploration

Welcome to a deep dive into the essence of our faith, where we journey beyond the superficial layers of modern Christianity and seek a genuine relationship with our Creator. Inspired by the “Divine Pursuit” podcast hosted by Evan Evans, this blog post aims to guide believers in aligning themselves with God’s will.

1. The Berean Approach: Examining Scriptures

In Acts 17:11, we read about the Bereans, who were nobler than those in Thessalonica because they “received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” This scripture emphasizes the importance of:

  • Open-mindedness: Welcoming God’s word with eagerness.
  • Diligence: Regularly studying the scriptures.
  • Discernment: Verifying teachings against the Word of God.

2. The Prosperity Gospel: A Distorted Narrative

The prosperity gospel, which often emphasizes material blessings as a sign of God’s favor, can be misleading. While God does bless His children, scriptures like Matthew 6:33 remind us to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Our primary focus should be on God’s kingdom, not materialistic gains.

3. Christianity: Beyond Rituals and Worldly Desires

James 1:27 defines pure religion as “to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” True Christianity:

  • Transcends Rituals: It’s about a heart connection with God, not just external practices.
  • Prioritizes Compassion: Serving the needy and marginalized.
  • Promotes Purity: Living a life that’s pleasing to God.

4. The Danger of Elevating Humans

While spiritual leaders play a crucial role in guiding believers, scriptures like Isaiah 2:22 warn against putting too much trust in man. It says, “Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem?” Our ultimate trust and reverence should be reserved for God alone.

5. The Heart of Our Faith: Jesus Christ

Colossians 1:17 speaks of Christ: “He is before all things, and in Him, all things hold together.” Jesus is:

  • Central: Everything revolves around Him.
  • Sustainer: He upholds and maintains all creation.
  • Redeemer: Through His sacrifice, we find salvation.

6. Navigating Modern Church Practices

While church practices evolve, it’s essential to:

  • Stay Rooted: Ground ourselves in the Word of God.
  • Seek Authenticity: Prioritize genuine worship and relationship with God over mere traditions.
  • Foster Community: Engage in fellowship that edifies and encourages spiritual growth.


In a world filled with distractions and varying interpretations of faith, “Divine Pursuit” serves as a reminder of the essence of Christianity. It beckons us to align ourselves with God’s will, seeking a deep, personal relationship with Him and grounding ourselves in the eternal truths of His Word. As we journey forward, may we continually draw closer to the heart of our faith, Jesus Christ.

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